Editor’s Note – 3 Years!
Hello Family!
Believe it or not, we are approaching 3 years of this website (musicist.co.za) going live!
It has all felt surreal up to this point, from the humble beginnings of running a Wix blog site intended to share music I listened to with those around me to now being part of a collective of creatives and industry leaders in their own right, who form part of what Musicist.co.za is.
Musicist.co.za has and continues to give us a lot of firsts, and that is credit to the hard work and planning put in to the product as well as the constructive responds we get from you, our audience. Over the years, we have had several turning points, such as, Fatso 98 giving us our first interview post, Hatsu compiling our first ever playlist compilation, NorthMamacita running our first playlist series and going on to being one of the best curators in the country, Maz Dlamini joining the team and instantly elevating the quality of the product, The Jazz Colloquies podcast finding good success, The Gig Guide becoming a website staple, and I could go on and on.
As I’m sure you know, with growth comes responsibility. We are accountable for the expectation of quality and consistent product that we have given our audience, as well as maintaining the relationships we have built over the years with the various stakeholders we have crossed paths with. We do not always get it right but we are guided by our vision for the site and trust that with the growth will come lessons that will also contribute to our incline.
Year 2024, has had its ups and downs for team Musicist but has no doubt proved to be a needed building block and lesson package that we will at some point look back on as yet another turning point. If you are reading this, then you are part of our journey and we thank you for riding along, it can only get better from here – it always does.
Hang tight for a hectic end of the year schedule as the festival session has well and truly began. We will continue to be your trusted source and hope that you are as excited as we are for what lies ahead.
We love and appreciate you.